Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

I Wish Apple Made Shoes

Packing the SuitcaseThis morning as I was packing for holiday I took inventory of what was required, Sat Nav, camera, video, camera, phone, books, chargers, music, DVDs and games for the kids. Along with my clothes, as is the case every year, I have the intention of packing like a minimalist but never seem to achieve it.

This year though when I looked down at the accumulation of gear I noticed something different. Instead of the tangle of chargers, electrical equipment, CDs and piles of books to make a choice from I had two items and one charger, my iPad and iPhone.

These 2 devices have changed the way I will holiday forever. No need for multiple accessories, I no longer have to choose which books to leave behind, which DVDs or CDs I should take. No thinking about which chargers go with which device and spare batteries. These two item encompass it all. My camera and video camera are now always at hand, as are my books and music. It is now possible to flick through a couple of pages of a book or watch a few minutes of video whilst waiting for the train, bus or plane. Hand luggage reduced to it’s most compact level.

Now I wish Apple would make shoes then maybe my daughter wouldn’t insist on taking 6 pairs for one week away!

Photo by: / CC BY 2.0
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