Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

Make Your Blogging A Hard Habit To Kick

Blogging babyI love to run, for over 2 years I have run at least 3 times a week, always first thing in the morning. At first I started running to lose weight, it was a struggle getting out of bed, but I knew if I didn’t by the time I got home from work I wouldn’t feel like running. Then after a while it became as natural as brushing my teeth, I could get up just as easily on a Tuesday morning in the summer as I could on a cold winters morning on Sunday after a night out on the town.

Early this summer I picked up an injury, shin splints, wow they are painful! They stopped me from running for most of the summer, to a lot of people this would be a welcome break. For me it was like something was missing from my life. I felt empty, incomplete, I needed to run. I tried the exercise bike, it just wasn’t the same.

So now we are approaching winter I have a 10K and Half Marathon to run in November, I am just back running again and it feels great, I am getting my fix, my habit intact.

Similar to running, blogging regularly needs to become a habit. At first you struggle to put “pen to paper”, after a while words run away from you and your typing can’t keep up. Occasionally you get “injured”, writers block, but if done often enough, like any habit it becomes hard to break.

It’s funny how we manage to do the most mundane things in life like they are second nature but those that are important to our well being or grow our business, like blogging, can feel like a chore. Get into the habit of writing regularly to make it a hard habit to kick.

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