Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

10 Automated Email Marketing Tips [Infographic]

Automated email marketing

Automated email marketing is one of the most powerful tools in the marketer’s arsenal. Last year 44% of email recipients made a purchase based on a promotional email.

Research shows that automated emails gets a staggering 119% higher click through rate than regular broadcast emails. Read on to learn how automated emails can help grow your online business today.

Welcome Emails

Every B2C email relationship begins with a welcome. In order to grab your customer’s attention make your automated welcome message memorable. Perhaps consider welcoming the customer with an offer such as 10% off or free delivery to really make them sit up and take notice.

First impressions are important, so make sure you make a good one.

Order Confirmation

Order confirmation emails are of course standard practice for large companies, and this is now a courtesy customers have come to expect. Utilise automated emails to provide your customer with swift and precise order information, including price, order number, expected delivery, and instructions for post sale questions and queries.

Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is paramount in marketing, particularly as engaged customers are more likely to be sharing customers. The stats on word of mouth marketing demonstrate just how important this can be to a business. 92% of consumers trust referrals by people they know, while people are FOUR times more likely to buy a new product after learning about it from friends and family.

In order to encourage this type of activity, make sure you reward your engaged customers with regular automated emails offering discounts and special offers.


Retargeting is a particularly effective way of nailing a sale that looked to have got away. If your customer has added an item to their shopping basket without buying the product you can use an automated email to remind them of this. After a set time period kindly inform your customer by email that you have saved their shopping basket for them should they choose to return and complete the purchase.

As you can see automated email can be a powerful marketing resource if utilised in the correct way. See the infographic below for 10 tips on making the most out of automated email marketing.


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