Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

Facebook Pages Have Changed but the Rules of Engagement Haven’t

Simply Measured Fan Content Engagement

Simply Measured Fan Content Engagement

The new Facebook Timeline for business is finally here, for everyone.

If you haven’t uploaded your new Timleine header image and logo, you should do so now!

Whilst there is a huge amount of fuss around the benefits or otherwise of the new layout. The one thing you shouldn’t forget is that engagement is the number one factor for success on Facebook.

It’s not how pretty your page looks, but how you engage with your audience that counts. If you just continually post messages without interacting then all that time you’ve spent on designs and logo’s just goes to waste.

According to early figures top brands are already seeing increases in engagement of as much as 46% from their audience using the new format. With photos and videos becoming the content format that received the biggest uplift in engagement.

If you haven’t adjusted your Facebook Page for the new Timeline format, then use the Infographic below as a guide. Then once you have, ensure you take full advantage and start engaging with your audience.

Facebook Page Timeline Design Cheat Sheet

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