Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

Better Location Marketing Campaigns

Free WiFi

Free WiFi

50% of Twitter users access the service via mobile and of the 700 million Facebook users 30% access the platform using a mobile device.

The growth in the use of mobile technology by consumers is leading many businesses to look at opportunities around Location Marketing. Still a relatively young practise, location based marketing is the child produced as result of the up-take of mobile Internet access and Social Media.

Ironically, as Governments try to control how much access companies have to personal information, consumers are happily giving it away with mobile by checking-in on Foursquare and Facebook Places.

There is real benefit to the consumer; with the low cost of implementation, the number of offers based on location are likely to increase, delivering greater value.

Consumers Need to Connect

It’s great t think there is this new marketing opportunity but it only works if consumers can access the platforms. Large parts of the UK, US and other countries are still without mobile 3G coverage in many populated areas; this severely restricts the growth of Mobile Internet usage, and things are unlikely to improve rapidly either.

Successful Location Marketing relies on connectivity; if customers can’t get online, they can’t login, it will frustrate them and that experience could be psychologically related to your business. You need to make it easy for consumers to promote your business for you.

Help Consumers Connect

If you don’t have at least a 3G mobile signal covering most of you outlet, invest in wireless broadband. The cost is negligible and seeing as the rest of the promotional tool-kit is free, it is your only marketing spend for this form of promotional activity. If you’re concerned with illegal activity across your WiFi connection then ensure you use a reputable supplier, they can either lock down access to certain sites or use content filtering to help prevent mis-use.

Additional Benefits

Giving your customers free WiFi can have a positive effect beyond location based marketing. If you live in a rural location you could become a hub for the community, in a urban area you may be an oasis for connectivity on the high street.

You don’t have to become an Internet cafe, your reward for providing easy access to the Internet is free promotion, don’t underestimate it’s value.

Thinking beyond check-ins; you now have easy access for staff to mange Twitter, update Facebook, maybe you could even stream live video demonstrations online.

What other beneficial uses can you think of for free WiFi in your business?

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