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£200k For Your Different Business Idea

Different Business Idea

Orange could never be accused of being an ordinary business. And now they are looking for something else that’s different, your business idea.

If you are the lucky entrepreneur you will receive £200,000 worth of funding from Orange, including business planning advice, telecoms support, marketing consultancy, investment capital and legal advice to help turn your idea into a business success.

With the economy lagging and more and more people out of work the Different Business Competition from Orange offers encouragement to those looking to start their own business.

Even for those that don’t win this could be the spark that lights the fire of genius hidden in a budding entrepreneur, that could be you.

Take Control of Your Future

Starting your own business is a sure way to take control of your work life and future, to be able to do the things you love. It’s the key reason I took the step to self-employment this year.

Finding a gap in the market isn’t difficult either, it just takes some creative thinking and a bit of hard work. Think about the problems people face, or even an issue you have in day to day life. And if you are passionate about it, then work on a creative solution that you could take to market.

Cat’s Eyes and Paper Clips are two famous examples of inventions that are simple but have solved a problem for millions of people.

The entries will be judged by some of the most successful business leaders in the UK. Your different business idea will need to have a clear strategy, but most of all you’ll need to demonstrate the drive and vision that will make it happen.

Give It A Go

Everyone reading this should at least give it a go, and if it’s not for you let friends and colleagues know about the competition so they don’t miss out on the opportunity to change their lives.

You can find out more on how to Win Your Business idea some funding on Orange’s Different Business Competition web site, along with an entry guide and registration form.

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