Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

How To Create A Google+ Local Page [VIDEO]

pizza delivery norwich Google Search

All Google really wants to deliver is the most relevant results, at the right time and place for its end users. The more relevant the results the more likely the Google experience will be enjoyed and the search engine used again. The more it is used the richer its data becomes, and the more relevant its results.

That about sums up how search engines work, good ones at any rate!

Trying to fool a search engine into ranking your page above another companies is never going to last long. If you deserved to be their in the first place it’s highly likely you would be.

This pure way of thinking may not always be true though, that’s because you may not have given Google all the help it needs in recognising you have a relevant offer.

Search engine optimisation for your website is a big subject, but there are some small things you can do especially for local businesses that may give you an advantage. Creating a Google+ Local page is just one of them.

If you’ve done any search that may be location sensitive you will have seen the results flooded with business listings. Even more so when this is done on a mobile device. Search for “Pizza [Town Name]” on your mobile and it will bring back Google+ Local listings almost exclusively.

Whilst location will play a major role in the order of these results, positive reviews and Google+ Local page activity will also play a part.

To ensure you leverage local search to its full potential follow this video to create your own Google+ Local page.


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