Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

5 AdWords Tips for Success in 2018

5 AdWords Tips for Success in 2018Google AdWords is a great way to advertise your products and services to potential customers. Anyone that has used the platform will know that there are numerous different options and targeting settings to suit the needs of all types of businesses. However, as useful as these multiple options can be, they can also be overwhelming and, if not used properly, can mean that you waste money, rather than generating business. To help you get the most from your AdWords campaigns, we have made a list of 5 AdWords tips for success in 2018.

1. Don’t Neglect Ad Copy

Ad copy is one of the most important elements of your Adwords campaign. This is what will attract the clicks that will convert to customers, and repel those that will not: it must entice your target audience without misleading them in any way. One way of wording an ad will always be more successful than another, so if you are unable to choose between two ways of phrasing, try running the two ads side by side for a trial period, comparing their performance and then choosing the winning ad’s copy for future campaigns. In general, have the keywords in your ad group be reflected in the first part (Headline 1) of your ads with a strong call to action in Headline 2.

2. Remember Mobile Users

Every year, more and more searches are being done on mobile devices, which means it would be foolish to forget mobile users from your Adwords campaigns. You should consider that, for the most part, mobile users are searching whilst on the go, so your campaign must really stand out to them. You should make sure that your website is also a mobile-friendly website to really boost their user experience and lead to higher conversion rates.

3. Test and Track

It is important for you to constantly test and track your Adwords campaigns in order that you can make any necessary changes along the way to maximise the success of your campaign. As well as testing ad copy, you may also test which position works best for you by adjusting your bids. Sometimes ranking 2nd or 3rd in Google can generate just as many clicks as 1st, but at a lower cost per click.

4. Optimise the Size of your Ad Groups

The size of your ad groups is an important element in their success. Ideally, you should limit each ad groups to contain 15-20 keywords, creating an additional group with a variation of the key theme of the original ad group. In doing this, you can create ad texts that are more relevant and more tailored, which can help improve your quality score.

5. Always Use Negative Keywords

Keywords that are irrelevant to the products and services you offer are can be just as important to you are bidding on for your campaign. This is because negative keywords can reduce the number of times that your ad appears in irrelevant queries. You can check which terms produce your ad by clicking the “search terms” button in your keywords tab- if you see any keywords that you don’t want to appear for, you can add these to your negative keywords list.

AdWords is an extremely effective advertising channel, and can serve to potentially transform your business if used correctly. For further guidance on how to improve your AdWords success in 2018, contact Clark St. James by emailing us at or calling us on 01603 343477.

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