Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

Improve Your Pay Per Click ROI With Audience Lists

Have you ever wondered why your Facebook ads don’t give you a return on investment? Yet other people are always raving about their success with them.

Or do you continually see competitors bidding on generic terms on Google AdWords in your industry and wonder how they afford to do it?

Rather than placing ads in front of anyone that searches “dog food”, as an example, they are probably using pre-defined audience lists.

Audience lists can be derived from your website visitors, previous customers, newsletter sign-ups as well as in many other ways.

Listen in to this week’s show to find out how you can benefit from audience lists. Especially during the festive season.

Below are some list suggestions and how they might be used.


As always if you have any questions you can get in touch via Twitter @SeanClark.

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