Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

SEO Ranking Factors for 2018

semrush ranking factors

Why does one website perform better than another in the search results? How can I ensure your website stands the best chance of ranking for your chosen target phrases?

These are the questions anyone involved with search engine optimisation is always being asked. The issue is that the answer is never straightforward.

Google certainly won’t tell you, it’s their “secret sauce”.

Of course, if you have been in the industry long enough you have an idea of the concepts. That doesn’t help when you need some facts to demonstrate to a client or your boss.

That’s why I am so grateful to companies that do this research on our behalf.

Moz has been producing ranking factor reports for some time and their latest is the Local Search Ranking Factors of 2017.

For this podcast, we focus on the SEMRush Ranking Factors Report which has just recently been updated. This report contains some fantastic findings, including 5 new factors.

To get our view on the report listen in to this episode.

As always if you have any questions you can get in touch via Twitter @SeanClark.

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