Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

Google Has Let The Panda Out Of The Cage Again! [INFOGRAPHIC]

As some involved with SEO take another deep breathe this week on the news that Google have again tweaked their search algorithm, astute marketers have no real cause for concern.

Google’s Panda update is aimed at penalising low quality sites.

What is a low quality site?

Typically a low quality site is one that contains poorly written or duplicate content. A site or webpage published for the sole purpose of ranking in search. Usually of little value to the end user, and possibly containing ads or links to the site or pages it is trying to promote.

So if this reminds you of any websites you know, it’s possible the Panda may be on your case.

Avoiding the Panda

Content is the reason we use the web. It’s what we search for, read, watch and listen to.

Quality content is content that delivers value to the end user, it keeps them satisfied. A satisfied end user is more likely to return to both the website with the content and to the service that helped them find it.

In this case Google.

Therefore quality content that delivers value is good for SEO.

Focus on delivering value

So it’s simple really, if you want to perform well in search. As well as following some basic SEO principals, just create valuable content for your audience.

The following infographic should help explain why you should use content for SEO:

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