Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

How Does Google’s Hummingbird Affect Your #SEO [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google’s recent announcement that they have been running with an updated search algorithm for the last month has caused a bit of a “flap” in the SEO community. But how does this Affect you and your business?

According to BusinessNewsDaily writing in Mashable:

“The search engine’s recent overhaul — which affects 90% of searches — aims to filter “fluff” content that is created solely for nabbing search engine optimisation and instead deliver better, higher quality search results.”

So in this case what should businesses do if anything? The Mashable article provides further insight into the changes and it’s implications.

What Google’s Hummingbird Update Means for Small Business.

So, does this mean link building is dead? Yes, and No.

Old style link building has become less effective over the years anyway. The best way to obtain links is to create great content that is worthy of them.

Danny Sullivan states: “In general, Hummingbird — Google says — is a new engine built on both existing and new parts, organised in a way to especially serve the search demands of today, rather than one created for the needs of ten years ago, with the technologies back then.”

To find out more read Did Hummingbird Eat Link Building? from the Search Engine Land team.

If you’re eager to find out more about Hummingbird Branded3 are hosting a Google+ Hangout next Thursday to provide greater detail on the implications on search engine optimisation.

From a more visual perspective Digital Relevance have created this infographic. It highlights the key factors that Google’s update has an impact on and what you should do about it.


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