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Share This Buttons: Love, Likes, Kittens & Beer

Show Your Love with a Kitten

Show Your Love with a Kitten

Wikipedia is the latest web property to introduce a button, this time, it’s a “WikiLove button”.

If you love the author of the content enough you can send him, or her, a kitten or beer, via a heart shaped button. If your into neither Kittens nor Beer you can create your own.

As a fan of Wikipedia, any reward for their contributors is welcome, but another button?

The Social Web

Sharing content is part of the modern day social web, but it seems we are flooded with Likes, Retweets, +1s, Diggs and Stumbles. Whilst sharing is a worthwhile activity; the growth in these buttons is starting to overtake the content itself. Mashable, as an example, is like an advert for every social platform on the web. Their pages are crowded with buttons encouraging you to not only promote the content but Like or Follow the site itself.

Buttons Everywhere

Whilst Re-tweets and Facebook Likes seem to dominate, there are instances when sharing on other platforms, or by other methods are just as valid. Therefore I propose “one button to rule them all”.

The “One Button”

This button would replace the myriad of offerings already out there. It would also negate the requirement for the rollover pop-ups that services like Addthis provide to give access to the additional sharing platforms, over 350, that already exist.

The idea would be that you would click the “One Button”, and it would spread referred content to all of the platforms for which you have an account. At the same time you would follow the author on Facebook, Twitter and Google as well as the publishing website itself. No need to make a choice or a decision; register once, connect all of your logins, and your reactions permeate across the web.

Know of a service like this, alternate solutions?

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