Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

How To Follow Your Competitors On Twitter Without Them Knowing [VIDEO]

Twitter spy

Twitter spy

In a busy world some times Twitter can be another distraction that you could just do without. Yet when implemented in the right way specific Twitter tactics can help add some order to your chaotic environment.

Twitter Lists are just one of those useful tactics, especially Private Twitter Lists.

In the video below I take you through the process of creating a list on Twitter, but one of the often overlooked features is the use of Private Lists.

The key to Twitter Lists is that you do not have to Follow the people you put on your list. If you also make that list private they have no idea you are tracking what they are saying.

This can be useful in many circumstances where you may want to remain anonymous:

This can give you an early warning to potential opportunities or issues and put you one step ahead.

Be warned though, you never know who may also be watching you!

Watch my video tutorial on Twitter List creation:

[Photo Credit: Anonymous9000]

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