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Twitter Tips From Chris Brogan #twitterwisdom

Chris Brogan an Overnight Success

Chris Brogan an Overnight Success

If you’ve spent any amount of time on social media you will probably have come across Chris Brogan.

Co-author of Trust Agents and the recently released The Impact Equation, when it comes to social media there aren’t many people that know what’s required as much as Chris.

This blog post was inspired by some Twitter Tips he gave away the other day.

I first came across Chris and a bunch of other guys who are worth looking up, Mitch Joel, CC Chapman , Christopher S. Penn , Hugh McGuire and Julien Smith on Media Hacks, part of a podcast series produced by Mitch Joel which started back in 2009.

An Overnight Success!

Chris is an avid blogger and networker, and often refers to himself as “a 12 year overnight success”, he has worked hard to reach the point where he is respected by many on and offline. Constantly sought for his knowledge and sage advice, some of which is often common sense, Chris is one of those people that seems to be always giving it away.

In fact I had learned so much from Chris over the years that when he launched his paid weekly newsletter on blog ideas I readily subscribed.

Yep that’s right I paid to receive an email!

At $10 a month I considered it a bargain, full of inspirational ideas of what to write about and how to keep creativity thriving in your mind.

Giving It Away

Unfortunately that email no longer exists, but Chris is still demonstrating how to utilise social media and is a clear example of best practise.

So when I saw him on Twitter the other day providing a list of tips for Twitter I just had to write about it. Not only are the following tips useful in themselves, the fact that Chris put them out there in the way he did demonstrates the creative ways you can use online channels.

Everything doesn’t have to be a blog post, white paper or ebook. Great content can come in many forms and sometimes the impulsiveness of creativity needs an outlet that shouldn’t be restricted by medium.

Mobile apps like AudioBoo mean you aren’t just restricted to text either!

So next time you come up with an idea for a great piece of content about your business or for your market sector, that’s is also of value to others, just get it out there before it stagnates in your mind and is forgotten.

Twitter Tips

As for that #twitterwisdom from Chris, here’s the list of Tweets he published (scroll the list down to see more):

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