Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

Get Personal With Google

SEO Is Getting Personal

SEO Is Getting Personal

There has been a lot of discussion in recent months over Google Plus and it’s potential influence on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Some are not as convinced as others to its relevance.

Correlation is not necessarily Causation

One thing is for certain, that Google controls the majority of searches in Europe and the US. And another that all Google is interested in is delivering relevance. If social indicators can help make Google results more relevant, then why wouldn’t they use it?

Who’s on Google Plus Anyway?

An argument I hear from many businesses is: “Google Plus is not worth my time as nobody is using it”.

I would counter, that if you wait until it is mainstream you may already be behind your competition. As an example, how do you currently stand against your major competition on Twitter and Facebook?

For Those That Want To

So if you do want to be a ahead of the curve, and take competitor advantage, all you need do now is start using Google Plus in an optimal way.

To make Google Personalised Search work for you, try implementing some of these:
30 awesome Google Plus tips from Tadeusz Szewczyk.

Our interactions online WILL affect what we see when we search…take advantage of that fact and let us connect.

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