Clark St. James PPC Agency & Social Media Marketing Norwich

Sean’s Week On Twitter #7

Sean’s Week On Twitter

This week I watched my eldest daughter turn 15, but she’s not the 15 I remember being. I am sure every generation have the same thought, but kids really are maturing faster.

Their ability to adapt to change seems much more natural, technology of course no barrier. So you can imagine my pleasure, and enthusiasm when she asked if I could set up a blog for her.

She wants to become a journalist, already she recognises the value of having her own blog, both to practise writing, and as testament to her ability for a future employer.

For me this is going to be an amazing experience (experiment). Here we have someone that can write well, has no inhibitions, and certainly no preconceptions or expectations. How will that manifest itself? How will she express what she sees, what she learns? How will she utilise her network to develop an audience?

With Facebook and Twitter being part of her everyday life I can only imagine the power she will be able to wield.

Well, I will update you all as she progresses. For now though I leave you with 5 of my “Sean’s Week on Twitter” picks for you, SWOT #7, as always please add your own in the comments:

10 mind-blowing mobile info-graphics

There are two growing trends in Social Media, one is mobile and the other is info-graphics. This post from Econsultancy gives you the best of both worlds. The added bonus, some statistics you can actually use.

10 kick-ass features in Google Analytics v5

Another “10” list, this time it’s the new version of Google Analytics. What caught my eye here was the release in the next version of “multi-touch attribution”. This will now give us the ability to see all the points at which someone clicked tagged links, whether that be a Tweet, email or banner link. All of which may have contributed to the resulting action on site. Previously each tagged link would have overwritten the tracking in the other.

Unlocking Your Success Equation

Someone once said to me “If you can’t afford business school, read the Harvard Business Review”. I am a bit old for school now, but never too old to learn, so I subscribed to the HBR blog. It’s well worth it, great inspirational article,s like this one, nearly every day. I can also recommend the HBR IdeaCast podcast.

Huffington Post pens in 6 July UK launch date

Bloggers of the world unite! Since Chris Garret deserted the UK for the charms of Canada last year, we lack any of the “old skool” inspirational bloggers in this country. With the arrival of the HuffPo this may all change, hopefully the British reserve will be put back on the shelf, and we will find that freedom of expression to blog without apprehension.

New York Post Blocks iPad Access Via Safari To Sell Subscriptions

We go from the opportunity of the Huffington Post to the short sightedness of the “old guard”. When will the news corporations of old realise that what they produce is no longer unique? They no longer have the will of the electorate in their hand, they can no longer sway opinion, and they certainly cannot dictate from where we source our news.

Please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments below.

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