According to studies by Hubspot’s Social Media Scientist, Dan Zarrella, Tweeting more often has positive results on the number of followers you have and the number of ReTweets you get.
In his first report Dan details how including links in your Tweets can lead to more Tweets being ReTweeted by your followers. In the second report his research shows that the amount of links you Tweet and the amount of followers you have are positively linked too.
So, sharing more information via Twitter, with links, results in a positive outcome. Finding relevant content to Tweet, content curation, can be time consuming. But curating content can be a powerful marketing tool, how do you manage this cost effectively in your busy schedule?
In the video below I show how, in 20-30 minutes a day, you can use Google Reader combined with BufferApp to Tweet all day without it effecting your job.
If you have any questions please leave them in the comments below.